Creating a SecureDisk volume

You must create a SecureDisk volume before you can map it as a system driver. The SecureDisk volume which also can be called as an encrypted volume, is an encrypted container, where you may store all your precious data. This volume exists as a file on your hard disk.

To create a SecureDisk volume from SecureDisk console you have three choices:

  • execute new command from file menu Or

  • Click new button at tool bar area Or

  • Right click at file list and select new from right click menu

Also the Wizard manner and the Fast manner will behave differently, you can choose a manner you like from settings window.

  • The Wizard manner

---The Wizard manner has four steps you have to follow:

---Step 1: Input file name and size for the volume



  After selecting a folder in which you want the SecureDisk volume exist, the free space on that disk will be calculated and whatever large you want the volume to be, it can not exceed this limitation, so you must be careful when you input the file size. Fortunately SecureDisk will check the file size for you and if it exceeds the limitation, SecureDisk will reduce it automatically. Note since SecureDisk can not reduce a SecureDisk volume size after you have created it, the file size inputted here will be the largest size of your virtual disk You may notice there is a checkbox which was labeled as "Floating size", check this box if you want your virtual disk grow when you write more data into it. Go Floating volume size see more information about this feature.  

---Step 2: Input default driver volume, Creator, and description


  This second step allows you input the default driver volume, creator, and some description information for your virtual disk. Although you can assign a default driver volume for your virtual disk, the driver volume can be changed when you mount it. You may escape this step by just click next if you do not want to input anything.  

---Step 3: Input password



  Next, input your password for the SecureDisk volume, this password will be required every time when you mount the virtual disk. You need to create a secure password to protect your SecureDisk volume from been accessed by others.  

---Step 4: Create SecureDisk volume


  At last, simply press create button to create the volume file.  

  • The Fast manner

---The Fast manner combines four steps into just one:



  After you have filled all the information required in the screen(See The Wizard manner for descriptions for each input area) and clicked the Create button, a window will popped up to let you input the password for this SecureDisk volume. Type in your password and verify it before click OK, then click create button to create the SecureDisk volume.